Thursday, 11 August 2016


Welcome to the Learning Resource Centre

Dear Members,

‘Visit the reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminder of order, calm and continuity lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, Light or dark…”

  The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) incorporates information via wide diversity of technologies and resources to raise library to more technical standards and to advance the learning experience of students and teachers.

The LRC  is managed by qualified experts, who in partnership with other members of learning community analyze learning and information needs to locate and use resources that will meet their  needs and communicate the information, the resource provides. The LRC is well equipped and eminently accessible to students and staff to pick a book of their interest. It also subscribes to many dailies and magazines to keep students abreast of all the latest developments activities like clubs,books,fair,literary clubs are frequently organised to imbibe the habit of reading in them.

The LRC is equipped with high profile automation software that facilitates selection of books that interest an individual. They have huge collection of over 20,200 documents with numbers on the increase.The LRC offer long and short range reference services.Students from class 1 to 12 visit the library and books are issued to students throughout the year.

“The Library lets you borrow the beauty and keep the knowledge…the only entrance requirements to a library is ‘interest’ “ 


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